DEATH by lethal injection would be a fitting punishment for the "sick bullies" responsible for a spate of cat shootings in Northfleet.

This is the view of animal lover Marie Walpole after one of her pets had to be put down and two others sustained serious injuries after being shot with air rifles.

Her three-year-old black cat Phoebe was put down because she was paralysed after being shot near the spine.

An air rifle pellet shattered a bone in the back right leg of her 18-month-old cat Brian and he is on six weeks of cage rest after surgery.

Four-year-old Charlie has a pellet next to his spine and he has no use of his back legs and had to be fitted with a catheter.

Ms Walpole says she also knows of two other cats that have been shot and is worried about her six-month-old cat Basil who she has not seen since August 15.

The 33-year-old said: "I'm really frightened in case he has been shot and he cannot get back to me and if he is out there and has died alone an agonising death.

"I will never ever forgive them for doing this ever."

"I just feel absolutely devastated.

"The only reason I can think of for people to do this is that they are absolutely heartless sick bullies."

"It's just beyond belief."

The resident of Ebbsfleet Walk thinks the minimum punishment the people responsible should get is a prison sentence.

She added: "I'd like to give them a lethal injection myself.

"It is animal cruelty and the lowest of the low."

RSPCA inspector Vikki Dawe said: "We are extremely concerned that someone has been shooting cats in this area.

"It is an offence and if anyone has any information that will assist us in catching the culprit and prosecuting them then we would like to hear from them."

Anyone with any information should call the RSPCA on 03001 234999.