Photos from the scene of a murder in Deptford show forensics and forensics officers scouring the area where a man was stabbed to death.

At around 10:35pm last night (Thursday, June 6) police were called to reports of a stabbing on Carteret Way. 

A man, believed to be aged in his 20s, died at the scene. 

Deptford Carteret Way murder: Pictures from the sceneDeptford Carteret Way murder: Pictures from the scene (Image: Josh Bolton)

Two males have been arrested on suspicion of murder and they remain in custody. 

The victim’s next of kin have been informed. 

A crime scene remains in place on Carteret Way. 

Deptford Carteret Way murder: Pictures from the sceneDeptford Carteret Way murder: Pictures from the scene (Image: Josh Bolton) Deptford Carteret Way murder: Pictures from the sceneDeptford Carteret Way murder: Pictures from the scene (Image: Josh Bolton)

Photos from the scene show a police cordon blocking a path next to Carteret Way.

A video shows cordons at either end of the pathway as forensics sweep the area.

Yellow evidence markets can also be seen on the ground of this pathway.

Anyone with information at this early stage is asked to call 101 and quote CAD8733/6June. 

You can also provide information anonymously to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.