A Lewisham police officer was arrested after a drunken street brawl in Woolwich, a misconduct hearing was told. 

PC Randeep Phull lashed out at his brother with his hands and feet during a fight near their allotment in the SE18 area on March 20, 2021. 

A member of the public called police to reports of a group of men arguing aggressively in the street. 

When officers attended tasers were drawn at PC Phull and his brother. 

He was taken to Lewisham Police Station but after an investigation it was decided that no further action would be taken regarding allegations of affray. 

On May 15, 2024, a police misconduct hearing investigated the incident – however, PC Phull had already left the Met Police service. 

The misconduct panel found that the officer had spent around four or five hours drinking before the incident. 

The aggression was precipitated by his brother and PC Phull had tried to calm the situation. 

However, he then lashed out at his brother who had swung a bunch at him. 

“The violence was not intense or directed and as both brothers were drunk, none of the blows connected,” the panel said. 

The panel said the officer was very remorseful and concluded that his actions did not justify dismissal. 

Due to the officer no longer being in the police force no outcome was required, the panel said.