A person has been rushed to hospital after an incident at a block of flats in Woolwich.

The incident happened at a home in Nightingale Vale near Engineer Close at 7.15am on June 3.

An ambulance crew, an advanced paramedic, and an incident response officer from London Ambulance Service attended.

The person was treated at the scene before being taken to a major trauma centre where their condition is unknown.

The nature of the incident remains unknown.

We have contacted Metropolitan Police for further information.

A spokesperson for London Ambulance Service said: “We were called at 7.15am on Monday 3 June to reports of an incident on Nightingale Vale, SE18.

“We sent resources to the scene, including an ambulance crew, an advanced paramedic and an incident response officer.

“We also dispatched a trauma team from London’s air ambulance which consisted of a doctor and a paramedic in a car.

“We treated a patient at the scene before taking them to a major trauma centre as a priority.”