A Metropolitan Police officer in the same armed unit as Wayne Couzens sent a racist voice message, a misconduct panel heard.

PC Thomas Murray, who was part of the troubled the troubled Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection Command, sent a voice message containing expletives and racially discriminatory remarks to a colleague who was attending a positive action seminar over Microsoft Teams. 

His colleague’s mic was unmuted when he listened to the message so it was heard by 21 other participants. 

Murray admits swearing but denies that his comments had racist meaning or intent.

PC Murray used the term “race card” and called them “c****”. 

One of the people on the call said PC Murray’s voice was “simmering” with anger. 

He said he was incredulous that officers participating in the meeting were implying that the Metropolitan Police Service was itself racist. 

The incident took place on September 8, 2022. 

On June 3, 2024, a misconduct panel ruled: “Murray’s voice message was delivered in a hostile manner. The language and tone used by him was impolite, inappropriate and offensive. The contents of the message were racially and otherwise discriminatory.” 

Had PC Murray not already resigned he would have been sacked, the panel decided.