A Blackheath Nepali restaurant has had the honour of serving its cuisine at 10 Downing Street.

Everest Inn Blackheath served Nepali cuisine at the event which marked the centenary of the UK-Nepal treaty with diplomats and social workers present.

This event commemorated the historic relationship between the two nations.

Under the leadership of executive chef Shanker and a dedicated team, Everest Inn achieved the distinct honour of being the first Nepali restaurant to cater for the Prime Minister's office.

News Shopper:  Everest Inn Blackheath, a Nepali restaurant based in Blackheath, has had the honour of serving their cuisine at 10 Downing Street Everest Inn Blackheath, a Nepali restaurant based in Blackheath, has had the honour of serving their cuisine at 10 Downing Street (Image: Everest Inn)

Each canapé served at this event aimed to represent Nepali cultural heritage and the country's diverse regions and savoury flavours.

Guests embarked on a culinary journey through Nepal, indulging in the vibrant and aromatic cuisine that Everest Inn prides itself in.

"We are truly honoured to have been chosen to represent Nepali cuisine at such a prestigious event," said Yadav Bhandari, owner and manager at Everest Inn Blackheath.

"Our team is dedicated to showcasing the authentic flavours of Nepal and promoting cultural exchange through food.

“It was a remarkable experience to see our culinary creations enjoyed by esteemed guests at 10 Downing Street, and we are grateful for the opportunity to celebrate the enduring friendship between the UK and Nepal."