A man is set to be sentenced today after 37 postboxes were “criminally damaged” with paint in the Dartford area.

Danny Whiskin was found guilty of painting the postboxes with a variety of different colours and patterns between Wednesday, January 31 and Saturday, March 9, 2024 – with some repainted multiple times.

The total value of the damage is unknown but is noted to be under £5,000, according to court listings.

The 33-year-old is also accused of damaging a postbox without lawful excuse to the value of £150 on April 16 in Stone, Kent.

Kent Police has said that postboxes were criminally damaged using spray paint.

Officers first arrested a man on February 13, and he was subsequently bailed pending further enquiries.

Whiskin, of Chaucer Way in Dartford, will appear at Medway Magistrates Court today, May 31 for sentencing.