Two Bromley leisure centres are set for a refurbishment worth more than £29 million over the next two years.

The Walnuts Leisure Centre in Orpington and the West Wickham Leisure Centre are both in line for modern upgrades, with investment now agreed.

The refurbishment work, starting at West Wickham, has received a hefty investment exceeding £29 million and additional grant funding.

New state-of-the-art facilities are to be provided with the existing ones at these centres to expand the borough's leisure services.

The refurbishment plans include upgrades to pools, cafés, and changing rooms, as well as a new roof set to be built at the West Wickham centre.

An additional £6.1 million funding has been secured from the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme.

This fund is intended to provide zero-carbon boiler systems and air source heat pumps at both centres.

This follows a previous grant of £300,000 from Sport England’s Swimming Pool Support Fund, intended for implementing solar panels and pool covers at West Wickham to mitigate heat loss and lower operational costs.

With the West Wickham centre remaining closed due to structural issues, the refurbishment works for this site have been brought forward.

Councillor Yvonne Bear, executive councillor for renewal, recreation and housing, said: "We are delivering this substantial investment in the borough’s leisure provision to ensure residents can enjoy enhanced facilities at these sites over the long term.

"These works have been prioritised at a time of incredible pressure on council finances.

"It is thanks to careful management over a number of years that we are able to make this commitment now, and deliver improvements that residents want and need alongside essential works on these challenging sites."

The improvements will be delivered in partnership with Mytime Active, Bromley’s leisure provider.

The upgrades will consist of new showers, lockers, pool pods, and Changing Places facilities to support accessibility.

New studios equipped with power-assisted equipment for those with mobility issues or rehabilitation needs are also part of the plan.

Both centres will have their main pools refurbished, with a reconfigured competition length pool at the Walnuts in response to feedback.

Jason Stanton, CEO at Mytime Active, said: "This is fantastic news, not only for securing the future of leisure provision at these important sites, but in delivering targeted improvements to help ensure all residents have access to high-quality health and wellness facilities and support.

"We are always looking at what more we can provide to improve health and wellbeing across Bromley and are delighted to be partners on these works to help shape provision at the centres."

Additional grant funding continues being sought to improve the centres' refurbishment plan.

Alliance Leisure, a specialist leisure centre redevelopment company, will deliver the essential works and improvements.

More information and frequent updates on the renovations can be found on Bromley Council's website.