CYCLISTS can now share their knowledge and wisdom with each other on a specially created website.

Transport for London (TfL) has revamped its online cycling pages aimed at everyone from new or occasional riders to regular commuters.

TfL is calling on thousands of cyclists to log on and post their news of any forthcoming cycling events or links to bicycle blogs and other websites of interest.

They are also asked to send in photos of their favourite cycling spots.

Visitors to the site will be able to find information on how to get cycle training in their area as well as how to plan the best route.

A series of 14 area maps covering every inch of the capital is also available to download.

Head of cycling, walking and accessibility at TfL Peter McBride said: "Cycling is a fantastic way to get around London, but if you're getting started, or if you're thinking of riding to an unfamiliar part of the capital, it can be tricky to work out the best way to get somewhere, or where to park once you've arrived.

"The new cycling pages on the TfL website have been designed for cyclists with the help of cyclists, and we want to encourage everyone who cycles in London to contribute to the site.

"By working together, we hope the new website will inspire even more people to join in London's cycling revolution."

Mayor of London Boris Johnson wants it to become the one-stop shop for cyclists.

He said: "Transport for London's cycling pages are invaluable for everyone who cycles in the capital, and making the pages more interactive is a superb idea.

"I will certainly be logging on to check out the tips of fellow cyclists and may well contribute a few nuggets of wisdom myself."

To visit the site log on to