YOUNG film-makers have won an award for a documentary highlighting major changes in their community.

The 10 to 15 year-olds from Christian Fields, Gravesend, have won a Try Angle award for their documentary DVD, Bricks and Roses.

This follows the lives of residents as their estate starts a major regeneration programme.

The young people were awarded certificates, medals and a trophy for winning the Gravesham and Dartford section of the awards, run by charity the Try Angle Award Foundation.

They will now compete at county finals being held in Margate in November. The overall winner will win the Spirit of Try Angle Award.

The Try Angle Awards were launched in Thanet in 1995 and went countywide in 2001.

They aim to recognise the achievements of young people and are supported by councils and companies.

Resident Mary Cox, 74, of Warrior Avenue, said: "Bricks and Roses was a great project because every generation of the community was involved and it brought us together."