A south London dealer who beat a vulnerable addict to death for a drug debt has been pictured for the first time as he faces life behind bars. 

Dedan Simmons, 40, of Clapham Road in Stockwell, was found guilty of murdering Shaun McEvoy by a Woolwich Crown Court jury. 

The court heard that Simmons stormed into a flat shouting “where’s my f***ing money” before beating Shaun to the ground and stamping on his chest. 

Shaun was found unresponsive in the same flat later the same day. 

Simmons will be sentenced in April and faces a mandatory life sentence. 

News Shopper: During the trial the jury was told that Shaun was a drug user who led a “chaotic lifestyle” and on February 15 last year he was in a flat on Durham Street in Kennington with three other people. 

Dedan Simmons entered the flat uninvited because Shaun owed him money for drugs, prosecutor Anne Whyte said. 

Once inside the flat Simmons shouted “where’s my f***ing money”, stamped on Shaun’s chest and threatened to stab another person in the flat, the jury was told. 

She said: “He pushed Mr McEvoy to the floor and then he stamped on his chest heavily. 

“He then threw his weight about in what you will see was a small and somewhat congested room by picking up objects and throwing them and demanding that he be repaid his money. 

“He then left briefly, returning with a knife that he had probably found in the communal kitchen, and threatened to stab one of the other people in the room, Mr Dean Lewis.” 

News Shopper: Dedan Simmons is accused of killing Shaun McEvoy (pictured)Three other people were in the room with Shaun when the attack took place. One said he was sleeping when he was woken up by shouting. 

“He opened his eyes to see what he describes as a drug dealer he knows only as ‘Elvis’, who was shouting “where’s my f***ing money”. He explained that they all owed ‘Elvis’ money,” Ms Whye said. 

After assaulting Mr McEvoy he said that Elvis stormed out of the room before returning with a knife. 

“He told Dean Lewis to put his hands on the table – Mr Flynn thought he was going to cut Mr Lewis’ hands off. He then describes Elvis as smashing a bowl, making further threats, and then leaving,” Ms Whyte said.

Ms Whyte said Shaun complained that his chest hurt and at around 3.15pm he was found lying on the bathroom floor “white as a sheet”. 

A 999 call was made but he was pronounced dead at 5.24pm with the cause of death given as blunt force trauma to the torso.