A NURSERY held a tea party to celebrate its first year anniversary.

The day nursery for children aged six months to four years old is part of the Blenheim Family and Children Centre, Blenheim Road, Orpington.

Around 15 parents and grandparents plus 20 children attended the event to mark the first year of operation.

Youngsters got their faces painted and watched a puppet display by a children's entertainer.

Nursery manager Brenda Maher said: "The day was successful. The children really enjoyed it.

"Lots of people turned up and it was a fun day."

The nursery has got off to a good start with a positive Ofsted report and 35 youngsters on the books.

The council run nursery offers affordable child care to help adults free up their time so they are able to take courses and go to work.

The nursery is open all year round between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday.