A construction worker who harassed a nurse was told by a judge “you’re not God’s gift to women”. 

Agostine Costa used over 20 different numbers to call and text his ex-girlfriend saying “I love you” and “I can’t get you out of my head”. 

The 31-year-old also turned up outside her home and tried to get her sacked from her job. 

Costa, of London Road in Norbury, was jailed for six months for breaching a non-molestation order which had banned him from contacting her. 

He was lambasted by a judge who told him: “You’re not such a fabulous, wonderful, glorious person that women just can’t wait to get together with you.

"In fact, you’re the type of person that women get court orders against to get you to leave them alone because they don’t want to see you.” 

At a sentencing hearing at the Old Bailey on Monday (September 4) prosecutor Luke Bowyer explained that Costa’s relationship with the victim ended in July 2022. 

“She continued to be harassed by him in the months that followed, so she applied to the family court for non-molestation order,” Mr Bowyer said. 

“He then breached that non-molestation order. Firstly from January 4 to February 16, when he contacted her twice a week, texted her, called through different numbers, came to her street to stand outside her address.” 

Mr Bowyer said she blocked about 20 to 25 telephone numbers as Costa repeatedly called her and sent messages saying he loved her. 

On February 13 the victim’s daughter was playing outside their home when she saw Costa looking at her. 

Three days later the victim saw Costa standing outside her home at around 8pm. 

In a statement, the victim said: “I feel on edge all the time. I will always be looking over my shoulder. I always feel like I’m being watched.” 

On April 11 the victim’s manager informed her that they had received a call from someone claiming that she was a criminal and should not be a nurse. 

The caller, who claimed to be her ex’s brother, said the victim was disliked in the Portuguese community and should be sacked. 

“That Mr Costa, was an absolute disgrace,” Judge Paul Dugdale said. 

Mr Bowyer said Costa had a history of breaching court orders relating to ex-girlfriends. 

In 2015 he assaulted his former partner and a court issued a restraining order. 

Eight months later he found out where she was living, threw stones at her window to get her attention then knocked on her door to tell her he loved her. 

Judge Dugdale said: “She did not want to see you and the court had ordered that you shouldn’t see her. 

“But apparently you knew best Mr Costa. You decided that your love was so great that you had to go see her, even though you assaulted her.” 

Costa has been remanded in prison custody since the end of May this year. 

Defending Costa, barrister Grace Cowell said:”Mr Costa has been punished. He instructs me this morning that he’s never going to let this happen again. 

“He’s been in prison and he says he’s learnt his lessons. He reassured me that his time in prison has been the worst time of his life.” 

Ms Cowell told the court that Costa said the prison guards make him feel like a dog. 

Sentencing Costa, Judge Paul Dugdale said: “You need to understand two things. First, when a relationship is over, it is over. And you’re not such a fabulous, wonderful, glorious person that women just can’t wait to get together with you. 

“In fact, you’re the type of person that women get court orders to get you to leave them alone because they don’t want to see you. 

“And second, once the court orders you not to have contact with an ex-partner, that’s what kit means.” 

Judge Dugdale gave Costa a six-month prison sentence, which was deemed to have been already served as he has been in custody since his arrest. 

“I accept that whatever lesson you are going to learn from, you either have or you never will,” the judge said. 

“But shape up Mr Costa. You’re not young anymore. You’re 32 years old. When a woman doesn’t want to see you she doesn’t want to see you. You’re not God’s gift to women, ok?” 

Judge Dugdale made a restraining order preventing Costa from contacting his ex for 10 years. 

“If you do contact her, be in no doubt at all that you will go straight to prison, and it will be for far longer than six months,” he said.