School staff took on a marathon walk last weekend to raise money for a student who suffered severe injuries when she was hit by a car.

Millie, a Year 10 pupil at Oaks Park High School in Carshalton, was taken to hospital and put in an induced coma after being hit by a car as she was crossing Parkgate Road on Good Friday.

Doctors feared the worst, but teacher Mr Barkley told the News Shopper that Millie is a “tough cookie” and is currently receiving medical care to get better.

Staff at the school took on the challenge to walk between 5 to 27 miles on Sunday (July 16), to raise money to help her in her recovery.

Mr Barkley said: “I believe the hospital said she wouldn’t be able to breathe on her own and she would need round-the-clock care.

“I don't know exactly in terms of the funding, but I know the NHS were prepared to fund all the treatment that she needed because they didn't think she was going to recover.

“And since then, she’s recovered, and is texting and breathing on her own.

“We believe she's progressing quite quickly, and she actually wants to come back to school in September.

“We don’t know how likely that is, but that is her goal, to come back.”

Mr Barkley says teachers at Oaks Park have been to visit Millie in hospital and have been in frequent communication with her family throughout the last few months.

Staff completed a 44km (27.3-mile) walk which lasted around eight and a half hours and ended at the Woodman pub in Woodmansterne.

News Shopper:

The money raised from the marathon walk, currently £5,666, will go towards paying for Millie’s treatment and rehabilitation.

Mr Barkley added: “Everyone who took part worked with or knew Millie, and it was a chance to show that if we can help, we will.

“All the staff who finished the marathon wore a T-shirt for Millie on mufti day on Friday - Millie has requested one herself.

“I think it was a nice day to end the term”.

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