A GROUP of nursing students have won a fight to allow them to park close to their homes.

Greenwich Council decided to reinstate the parking permits of the students 12 days after taking away their privileges.

The three nurses affected by the decision, who live in university accommodation at Devonport House, King William Walk, Greenwich, say they are pleased the vital permit has been reinstated.

The trainees are accustomed to bearing the brunt of bureaucratic decisions, after they were evicted this March, from Woodlands Nursing Home, in Woolwich, by Greenwich Health Trust.

Vikki Colerman, who is a final-year Midwifery student at the University of Greenwich, said: Ive had an eventful time while at university. In second year we got evicted from our nursing accommodation and in third year we have our residence parking permit removed.

We need to be allowed to park near our homes.

At the moment Im on call which means I could be out any hour of the morning or night and its not safe or convenient for me to catch public transport.

A council spokesman said they were investigating why the students received letters which took their right to park away.

The spokesman said: The council realises the five students affected, three of whom are nurses, need transport. We will not withdraw any other students permits.