A man has been arrested after immigration officers raided a popular restaurant in Lewisham.

A warrant was issued for Bar Beach Grill, in Loampit Vale, yesterday (February 8), on the basis of intelligence that suggested illegal working.

An Ivorian man was arrested on suspicion of immigration offences and will be dealt with according to immigration rules.

Bar Beach Grill was served a civil penalty notice, warning that a financial penalty of up to £20,000 per illegal worker will be imposed.

A spokesperson for the Home Office said: “The government is tackling illegal immigration and the harm it causes by removing those with no right to be in the UK. 

“We continue to work with law enforcement agencies to tackle illegal migration in all its forms.” 

Lewisham Anti-Raids, which describes itself as “community resistance to immigration raids”, encouraged its followers on Twitter to attend the raid in an attempt to “record, resist and support” those being questioned.

The full statement on its Twitter page read: “Immigration raid happening now In Lewisham next to Asda, by the Bar Beach Grill (SE13 7SL). Please get down ASAP if you can - record, resist and support those being questioned.

“We’ve been told that one person was taken away by immigration officers and they are no longer in the area. We are trying to make contact with the person who was taken away.

“Thank you to everyone who shared this alert + who went down to help resist.”