A “grim” South London junction between Shooters Hill Road and Well Hall Road in Greenwich may soon get new traffic restrictions.

A petition calling for more measures at the section was discussed by the Greenwich Council Highways Committee on Wednesday, January 11.

Resident Daniel O’Loughlen, who coordinates the Red Lion Lane Neighbourhood Watch, told the meeting that over 700 people have signed a petition to introduce traffic calming measures at the junction.

The local said two people have previously lost their lives at the junction, and he feels that vehicles are being “prioritised” at the expense of cyclists and pedestrians.

Mr O’Loughlen said: “The warped pavement railings at Shooters Hill junction actually serve as quite a grim reminder to those near that it’s actually a quite frequent collision spot.

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"If one stands briefly there at rush hour, horns are piercing your ears sadly as drivers try to get through the lights, often on amber. There are little opportunities to cross smoothly and safely.”

Rory McCarron, a resident also supporting the petition, said he had witnessed multiple incidents at the junction for Shooters Hill and Well Hall roads.

He said: “I’ve witnessed a vehicle crashing into the wall there [at the junction] with children [present], which is unbelievable. Something needs to be done to reduce the speed up and down Shooters Hill Road.”

Mr McCarron said he has recently cycled on the pavement on Shooters Hill instead of the road, despite it being illegal.

He said: “I would prefer my life being saved than being hit by a vehicle.” Labour Councillor Danny Thorpe said the “clearly horrendous” situation and signatures on the petition was a clear indication from residents, pupils and teachers at local Christ Church Primary School that there is a problem.

Andrew Burton, head of highways for Greenwich Council, said at the meeting: “You won’t be surprised to hear that Shooter’s Hill has been on the alert for many years.

"And so routinely, we’ve been building repeated reports year after year of the same message, that collisions are happening.”

Mr Burton said the council and Transport for London are pushing for a green man crossing at the junction, with an update on the scheme not available until late spring.

Labour Councillor Miranda Williams said she disagreed with the council officers’ rationale behind collecting more data on the junction before adding safety measures.

She said: “We don’t need numbers, and we certainly don’t need somebody to die. It’s bonkers.

"It’s one of those things as a councillor, in 12 years I have never understood why it takes somebody to die for us to make a change.”

The highways committee unanimously agreed to recommend a 20 miles per hour zone be added outside Christ Church School as soon as possible in the council’s 2023/24 work plan.

Also included was a request for the police to consider adding speed cameras to the area, and for TfL to investigate a way to improve the safety of the Shooters Hill and Well Hall junction.

The recommendations by the committee will be put forward to Greenwich Council for a decision on January 25.