HAMMER-wielding burglars smashed their way into the home of a young couple and threatened to kill their baby.

The raiders went to the window of the couple, who did not wish to be identified, and smashed it with a hammer to gain access to the house, in Oakfield Road, Penge.

They stood between the 26-year-old mother, who was feeding the couple's two-month-old baby, and the father, 27, demanding they hand over credit cards and pin numbers.

The father said: "The front door window was smashed, and they broke the door frame down.

"After that they threatened to kill the baby until I gave them my wallet and mobile phone.

"One guy was wanting to take a swing, but I would prefer it was me than my girlfriend or baby."

After the raid, in which a wallet and two mobile phones were taken, the burglars fled towards Penge High Street, before taking £250 from the man's bank account.

The first man was white, aged about 25, around 5ft 7ins tall, of slim build, and wore a grey hoodie and dark jacket. He was carrying a hammer.

The second man was white, and around 5ft 9ins tall.

Anybody with information regarding the incident, at 1am on February 5, should contact the police on 020 8284 9969, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.