The death of a four-year-old boy from Plumstead who was drowned by his mother has been described as “harrowing” and “tragic” by police.

Oluwakemi Badare called emergency services to her home during the morning of December 27, 2020.

Her son, named Kingswealth, was found undressed and wet at the top of the stairs outside the bathroom.

Ambulance crews noticed that the boy’s body was stiff because rigor mortis had already begun to set in.

This meant that he had died sometime earlier.

Ambulance crews also noticed injuries on Kingwealth’s body showed that it was possible that he was forcibly held under the water.

A post-mortem on December 31, 2022, showed that the boy had downed but also had injuries on his head, neck and shoulders.

Police arrested Badare for the murder, to which she replied, “Yes I forgot him in the bath.”

Officers said that the boy would have been able to get out of the bath on his own, suggesting that he was held under.

Detective Inspector Jason Crinnion of the Met’s Specialist Crime (Homicide) said: “This case is so sad, young Kingswealth Bayode lost his life at the hands of his mother, who is clearly very ill.

“Any investigation into the death of a child is harrowing for everyone involved, and that certainly includes the investigating team.

“My team have professionally gathered the evidence and presented the facts, so the jury have been able to make an informed decision, but we are all aware of how tragic this case is.”

Oluwakemi Badare, 37, of Invermore Place, Plumstead, was found responsible for her son’s death after a trial at the Old Bailey.

Badare had a 10-year diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia was deemed unable to understand the charge.

She was deemed unfit to stand trial for murder and an alternative charge of manslaughter by gross negligence.

Sentencing has been adjourned until July 20, 2022, after a hospital order has been imposed.

A spokesperson for Metropolitan Police said: “The court heard how at 07:45hrs on 27 December 2020 the defendant called London Ambulance Service (LAS) and told them she had killed her son.

“She said she had left him in the bath and forgotten about him.

“Kingswealth was not clothed, he was wet, and the ambulance crew noted that rigor mortis had already begun to set in, meaning he had died sometime earlier.

“The ambulance crew noted there were also injuries that might be consistent with Kingswealth being forcibly held under the water.

“Officers attended the scene and Badare was arrested for murder, replying to the officer, “Yes I forgot him in the bath.”

“A post-mortem examination was carried out on 31 December, this found water in Kingswealth's lungs consistent with drowning, but it also recorded a number of minor injuries to the head, neck and shoulders.

“As a mobile four-year-old, Kingswealth should have been able to leave the bath, if he had been left on his own, and the circumstances, along with the injuries suggested he had been held under the water.

“As a result of the information Badare was charged with murder.

“Oluwakemi Badare, 37 (28.07.84) of Invermore Place, Plumstead was found responsible for the death of her son Kingswealth Bayode after a trial at the Old Bailey.

“The jury had been asked to decide on the facts of the case, as the defendant had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and was deemed unable to understand the charges.

“Sentencing will take place on 20 July when a hospital order will be imposed.”

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