A Catford retailer has gifted £10,000 worth of flooring to help a UK charity which provides a safe haven for people facing homelessness.

Flooring Superstore has donated carpets from its store on the Catford Hill Retail Park to support accommodation projects and one-bedroomed flats run by Oasis Community Housing.

Some of the carpets have already been laid for young mums escaping domestic abuse and who receive one-to-one support from Oasis Community Housing.

This is part of a programme known as Empower which aims to restores women’s confidence by helping them access legal advice, make a safety plan, and set up a new home.

The carpets are being distributed within the charity’s homelessness projects across the North-East of England and London.

David Smith, Oasis Community Housing’s Chief Executive, said: “Every year Oasis Community Housing helps almost 2,000 men, women and vulnerable families through our crisis drop-in services and supported accommodation projects, delivering critical practical and emotional support to help people on their journeys out of homelessness.

“We couldn’t do all we do without our donors and partners - and the donation from Flooring Superstore enables us to continue helping the people we support set up homes of their own, rather than being faced with the expense of furnishing an empty flat.

“From men who have been rough sleeping for years to young mums with babies, this donation will make a huge difference to so many people.”

Dan Foskett, Chief Executive Officer of Flooring Superstore, said: “Through our corporate social responsibility programme, we’re constantly looking at ways in which we can support charities and local community projects which carry out amazing work across the UK.

“We are therefore delighted to have been able to support the work of a national charity like Oasis Community Housing, whose services have never been more needed than they are now in the present, still uncertain, climate.

“Improving homes and lives is something we are truly passionate about, and we thank Oasis Community Housing for the opportunity to get involved in such a worthy cause. Creating a comfortable living space for those who need it most, far exceeds the value of the donation.”

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