A summer camp has been launched at a Greenwich community hub by a celebrity chef and councillor.

Roots4Life launched its Roots4SummerCamp with chef Levi Roots and Councillor Matt Morrow – the canbinet member for children and young people.

It launched at The Baker Centre - which was built by Linden Homes.

Roots4Life is hosting the summer holiday camp as part of the Royal Greenwich Together: Holiday, Food and Fun programme and runs until the end of August.

It’s open for children living in Greenwich aged between eight and 12.

During the next four weeks, children will be able to take part in a variety of activities including cooking and baking, growing vegetables, team sports and exercise and nature and food trails.

A family day will also take place for parents every Thursday after lunchtime where they will be able to enjoy the activities and take some of the harvested vegetables home.

Free spaces will be offered to children who receive free school meals.

Levi Roots said: “It’s been an immense pleasure to have been invited to officially launch the Roots4Summer camp today which is a great initiative to keep local children active during the summer holidays at the Baker Centre.

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“The past year has been particularly difficult for children to benefit from social activities so this is a great opportunity for them to get back to some form of normality whilst learning some new educational and development skills in a safe and fun environment.’’

Cllr Morrow added: “It was fantastic to see Levi Roots in our borough supporting this fantastic holiday camp.

"I am really proud of the work we are doing this summer to ensure children and young people can enjoy themselves at safe and friendly camps like Roots4Summer.

“In Royal Greenwich, there are thousands of families who have to juggle childcare and increased expenses when school is out in the summer.

"There are still spaces left at many holiday clubs, so check out our interactive map and get in touch today to make sure nobody misses out.”

The Roots4Summer camp will run Monday to Thursdays from 10am to 2pm.

To ensure COVID safety, a bubble system will be implemented throughout the summer camp with children allocated to a small group of up to 15 children with a designated team leader and team leader assistant.

All events and activities will run in adherence to the latest UK Government and Public Health England guidance.

Sophie Amos, Manager at Roots4Life said: “We are delighted that Levi Roots has officially launched our first series of events at The Baker Centre which also provided the opportunity to thank Linden Homes who has built the centre.

“This space will enable us to host a variety of programmes and initiatives to support the wider Greenwich community for years to come.

"We cannot wait to welcome the children for a summer of fun which will definitely make up for the missed opportunities from last year.”

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