Plans to regenerate Catford town centre, improving access by foot and bicycle, while restoring a much-loved pub have been revealed.

Lewisham Council’s proposals include widening pavements, opening an underpass, and introducing two river decks with seating, in an effort to make Catford “one of the greenest town centres in London.”

The Catford Constitutional Club, closed in 2019 after surveys found the building was in a dangerous state of disrepair, will also be restored thanks to a £1,650,000 grant from the Mayor.

Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning, Councillor Paul Bell said: “Our ambitious vision for Catford has been shaped by input from thousands of local people.

"We’re delighted to kick-start the regeneration with two projects that really respond to ideas raised by Catford residents and will provide real benefits to the local community.

“Proposals for the station area will allow local people to reclaim this space and make the most of the riverside setting as well as bringing much-needed improvements to enable safe walking and cycling in line with the Council’s priority to make Lewisham greener.

“When the former Catford Constitutional Club closed in 2019, local people said loud and clear that they wanted a pub to return.

"We’ve listened to this feedback and we’re pleased to be able to present restoration plans that will help deliver a new pub for Catford and bring this incredible building back into use.

“Good Growth Funding from the GLA for Thomas' Lane Yard has allowed us to steer a project that brings together a new pub, space for arts, performance or music and, in the long term, homes for social rent and affordable workspace as well as sensitively restoring a historically significant building in the heart of the town centre.”

A sketch of how the pub could look

A sketch of how the pub could look

The improvements to the area around the station will be funded from developer contributions.

Architect team BDP is behind the proposals.

The council-owned Constitutional Club building and surrounding site, including the Thomas’ Lane car park, will be restored and connected to a new public space, Thomas’ Lane Yard.

In summer, a planning application will be submitted to refurbish the building, which will reopen as a pub with space for arts, performance or music activities.

Further proposals later in the year will explore outdoor yard spaces to complete the vision for the Thomas’ Lane Yard, one of the first sites to come forward as part of the Catford Town Centre Framework.