Plans to place a permanent memorial at the spot where the Westminster terrorist attack began, in tribute to Bromley Pc Keith Palmer and the four others who were killed, have been revealed.

The unarmed 48-year-old officer was stabbed to death by Khalid Masood during a car and knife rampage off Westminster Bridge on March 22 2017.

Moments before, Masood ran over Kurt Cochran, 54, from Utah in the USA, Leslie Rhodes, 75, from Clapham, Aysha Frade, 44, from London and Romanian tourist Andreea Cristea, 31.

The terrorist was was eventually shot dead by a plain clothes close protection officer.

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Westminster City Council has applied to install bronze plaque with the names of those who were killed. Planning permission is required as the bridge is Grade II listed.

The plaque reads: "In memory of those who lost their lives in the act of terrorism on Westminster Bridge and New Palace Yard on 22 March 2017.

"This plaque is also laid in recognition of the injury and loss caused to the many other people affected, their bravery, humanity and resilience continues to inspire us."

A 28-year-old football fan was jailed last year after admitting urinating next to a separate memorial dedicated to Pc Keith Palmer, round the corner from the location of the new site.

Andrew Banks said he had been on an all-night drinking session in the capital and decided to join fellow football supporters travelling to London to “protect the statues” in June.

A 2018 inquest into Palmer's death found shortcomings in security at the Palace of Westminster, and the Metropolitan Police are facing legal action over Pc Palmer's murder.

His widow Michelle confirmed that she was bringing the claim but said she felt "let down" by Scotland Yard for making it public.