Sutcliffe Park in SE12 has been recognised as an important leisure amenity for local people.

With a diverse range of wildlife and features to help improve the local environment, many groups and individuals enjoy using this facility.

Many local people also enjoy walking their dogs around the park and most pick up any mess and behave appropriately.

Sadly, a number of dog owners do not pick up their mess and this leads to numerous hazards for local people using the park and playing fields.

Marion George, who spends time in the park with her family, said: "This park is ideal for local people as there is so much space and it's easy to get to. We love kicking a football around or playing cricket here.

"Sadly, each time we come here there is more and more dog mess. Most dog walkers pick up any mess during their walks. But some simply don't care and leave behind a real health hazard for me and my family."

By Chris Lunn

  • Do you use Sutcliffe Park, and have you noticed an increase with this problem? Add a comment below and have your say.