Carriage and horses at the ready, Cinderella is preparing herself for this year's pantomime at the Churchill Theatre in Bromley.

News Shopper was lucky enough to meet the cast of the upcoming Christmas spectacular and not only did we receive our fairy wands, we also got to have a chat with the fairy godmother herself.

Lesley Joseph is a pantomime veteran - from Belfast to Bradford, Cardiff to Wimbledon, she has 50 years' experience and now she is taking on the role of Cinderella’s fairy godmother.

She said: “I love panto. It makes me cross when people sneer at it because it’s a real art.

“Even though it is the same story, the show is different every year and always depends on the cast. You also have to adjust to what is happening in the world so you always try and keep panto slightly current.”

Charlotte Haines will be playing Cinderella. She has appeared in lots of pantomimes before but this is her first time playing this particular role.

Phil Reid will be playing Buttons and this is his first panto ever and he is very excited for his kids to be able to come and see him perform.

And James Darch will be playing the role of Prince Charming, a role he has played before.

Lesley continued: “With this particular show, I would say, it is a traditional panto with a really good cast, great set and costume. Take two hours out of your life and come and watch something beautiful that you can laugh at.”

Cinderella will be at the Churchill Theatre from December 1 to 31 and tickets start at £16.