Plans have been submitted to build a new library, fitness centre and civic centre in Thamesmead.

Photos shared with News Shopper show what a new civic centre in the town could look like if the plans are approved.

The application, submitted by Peabody, will create a shared building with Bexley council. The council will then run the ground floor library and Peabody will run the first floor and mezzanine.

The building plan was designed by architect Bisset Adams after a competition was held to design the best civic centre building.

According to the Thamesmead community, Bisset's design - inspired by swans' nests on Southmere Lake - was the most popular.

Plans for this building have been drawn up as part of the Abbey Wood and South Thamesmead Housing Zone, which has already granted Peabody outline permission to build 1,600 new homes.

These houses will be a mix of one-bedroom flats to four-bedroom townhouses, and 230 of them will be made affordable.

Peabody expects a decision on the building will be made by the end of this year.