The Woolwich Houdini is returning with his show 'Water Torture Cell escape'.

Escapologist Dave Diamond is bringing his show, which debuted in Wales last year back home to Greenwich, a stunt first performed by Harry Houdini himself in 1912.

Dave Diamond will be placed in a glass cage filled with water, he has to pick his handcuffs and then unlock the cage from the inside to escape.

When the real Houdini first performed the act, promoters insisted the tank was covered so as not to “cause faintings and panics” amongst the spectators.

Dave, has promised that the escape will be performed in full view of audience, not only that he will be suspended upside down in the water.

The show will be performed at the Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich and is a joint production with the local Aircraft Circus Academy.

Dave's act will be part of the Totally Thames festival and more information can be found here.

You will be able to watch the show every weekend in September so you definitely won't miss out, and the shows are free to watch.

Dave from his Woolwich home said he has been in constant training since early January to perform this escape.

Asked what the secret of the escape was he said it was about staying calm under the water and concentrating of what was happening in the moment.

He said the most common question he is asked is why he does these stunts, he felt that they allowed him to face his vulnerabilities and that was important in order to allow him to grow as a person.