STARS of a TV show have held a pie and mash party to mark the end of the programme.

Deptford Action Group for the Elderly (DAGE) held the party for around 40 pensioners on August 14.

The group had appeared in BBC programme The Tower, about regeneration of the Pepys Estate in Deptford, which finished on August 13.

Free pie and mash was served to all the guests and a ukulele player joined in the fun at the DAGE drop-in centre in Deptford High Street, which runs free events and parties for pensioners in the area.

The party was also held to remember long-term member William "Wee Wee" Moynes, whose death at the age of 92 last February was also covered in the show.

Group chairman Harry Haward said: "It was great.

"The pensioners loved it and they felt like millionaires."