Malignant melanoma is the fifth most common cancer in the UK and the sun can make it worse, but how can you spot the damage?

The rule is, the more moles someone has on their bodies, the higher the risk of melanoma.

AXA PPP Healthcare say: “Moles are clusters of cells that produce a pigment in your skin and it’s normal to have them, but always keep an eye out for any change to the appearance of an existing mole and monitor your skin regularly to see if any more develop.

“Melanomas develop when those cells behave abnormally and invade the skin around moles or spread to other areas such as the lymph nodes, liver and lungs.”

This doesn’t mean that someone will definitely get melanoma if they have the odd mole here and there but they should be more careful about exposure to the sun.

Most moles develop in the first 30 years of life, and you should be alert for any change to an existing mole or any new mole.

Most doctors recommend going by the ‘ABCDE rule’ for moles. Look for:

A – asymmetry (an irregular shaped mole)

B – borders (ragged edges)

C – colour change or a mole that is a different colour in one part than in another

D – diameter (any increase in size, but particularly more than about 6mm across)

E – elevation (raising from the surface, especially if it is irregularly raised).

For more information we urge you to visit

Most people know they should worry about bleeding moles, but a mole that itches or becomes red should also be checked out.

Watch this animation for a guide on checking moles.