A SEA Cadet unit is bouncing back and looking to recruit new members.

The Beckenham and Penge group will meet every Wednesday evening this summer between 7.15pm and 9.30pm at its headquarters at TS Sikh, 290 Kent House Road, Beckenham.

It is open for children aged between 10 and 18.

The group was closed last summer and members were transferred to the Bromley unit TS Narvik because of a lack of staff.

It now has enough staff and it is hoped there will be enough members by the end of the summer to keep it open permanently.

A spokesman said: "Beckenham and Penge really need more youth groups to keep the youngsters of the area occupied.

"The Sea Cadets is a great opportunity to make new friends and develop skills useful in later life."

Call 020 8462 3198 for details.