Family members are being prosecuted for using their loved ones' disability parking badges.

The council's Blue Misuse campaign has recently reached a milestone of fifty prosecutions.

The crackdown has seen criminal records and fines totalling £3,797 being handed out to eight drivers.

Bromley council is warning people that if they use a blue badge when they shouldn't, they too could be prosecuted.

Councillor Huntington-Thresher, Executive Councillor for Environment said: "It is a sad indictment that we have reached this milestone.

"The majority of these prosecutions involve a relative misusing a loved one's Blue Badge.

"It doesn't matter whether the badge holder is your husband, wife or child; if they are not present, you cannot use their Blue Badge.

"The same obviously applies if the relative is dead!"

Blue Badge misuse is a criminal offence which can lead to a £1,000 fine and confiscation of the badge. Anyone who suspects that a blue badge is being used for the benefit of a person who is not the badge holder can report their concerns at: