PINK bins have been installed throughout the borough to collect small household electrical items.

Greenwich Council put in place 28 bright pink bins as part of its drive to help residents recycle more.

The bins are located at recycling banks across Greenwich and situated in communal areas.

Hairdryers, irons, toasters and kettles are examples of electrical items suitable for disposal in the bins but any small household electrical appliance can be left.

The council's cabinet member for Greener Greenwich, Councillor Rajwant Sidhu, said: "People forget small electrical items are just as damaging to the environment as some of the bigger items.

"But because they fit in rubbish bags, people are unaware of the consequences of carelessly throwing them away.

"With the new bins conveniently located at community spots across the borough, small electrical items are very easy to dispose of now."

To find your nearest recycling bank and pink bin, call 020 8921 4661.