You’ve now only got just over a week left to submit a photo and help us prove the most attractive people live in south-east London and north Kent.

We’re aiming to show the hottest people are in this area – and not Brighton, Cardiff, Liverpool or other places where people think of themselves as the best looking according to a YouGov poll.

Over the past two weeks you’ve been invited to send us a photo of yourself or someone you know who you think is gorgeous.

We’ve been inundated with nominations – and you can see all 120-plus of them in the gallery above.

From March 14, everyone will be able to vote for their favourite photo. We’ll announce details of how to do this soon.

At the end, one dashing man and one beautiful woman who collect the most votes will be declared the winners.

So there’s not long to go then, which means it’s time to get a photo to us if you haven’t already.

We know, you’re probably too modest to put yourself forward – but we also reckon you’re very good looking, so just go for it.

Equally, we know you must have a friend or family member deserving of a nomination so we’d love you to send in their picture.

If you and a mate are both a bit shy to enter, why not put a photo of each other in?

To enter, email a photo along with the person’s name, age, where they live and contact details (email and phone) to Entrants must be at least 18. If you’re nominating someone else, please get their permission first.

To say thanks for being good sports and well done on being so unquestionably pretty or handsome, a cash prize of £75 will go to each of the two winners so they can have a night out with pals, take their other half for a meal or just treat themselves to a little something.