Night vision camera technology has captured these stunning pictures of two adult blue tits with their new-born hatchlings in a Bromley bird box.

Photos show the colourful yellow-breasted, blue, white and green birds feeding and rearing their baby chicks in the nest in a Bromley back garden.

Bromley-based home technology business, Sound Technologies, has been installing the low-cost camera equipment in gardens across the borough to allow wildlife enthusiasts to get up close and personal with birds.

Roxanna Barnard, of Sound Technologies, said: “We set up the business mainly to provide home cinema and security.

“Doing bird boxes was a side line, but it's proving to be really popular.

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Tweet tweet: The baby hatchlings born in the bird box nest in a Bromley back garden

“Bromley is so green, it's an absolute haven for many species of birds.

“People like to watch them feeding - now, with the new TV technology, you can provide safe shelter for them and watch the miracle of how they create and rear a family.”

It is possible to connect the bird box cameras to a recorder so birdwatchers can save the best moments.

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The adult Blue Tits with their bird box

A sensor can point to moments in the recording where there is movement, so that it is easy to go to the highlights.