A SCOUT group has celebrated its 70th birthday in style by finishing a major refurbishment of its hut.

The 7th Welling (Falconwood) Group held a reunion party to mark the occasion.

Among the former members who returned for the party was George Cramer, who attended the first ever Scout meeting in 1937, and other early members Jack and Bob Woodcock.

Also there were two Welling councillors - Matthew Scott, 22, and James Hunt, 27, both former 7th Welling members.

Cllr Hunt was the group's first Beaver Scout.

The Scout hut, built in 1937, has had a new roof, guttering, toilets, kitchen and carpeting and has also been completely redecorated.

It has also had a new ramp entrance installed.

The Scouts raised £5,200 towards the work by holding race nights, quiz nights, a jumble sale and a family disco.

And the Lottery's Awards for All gave another £5,000.

The East Wickham and Welling War Memorial Trust also donated £7,500 towards the work.

Richard Storer, who first brought Scouting to Welling in 1912, was killed in the First World War and is commemorated on the trust's war memorial.

Another Welling councillor, Nigel Betts, who is chaiman of the trust, unveiled a plaque marking the refurbishment and the trust's contribution to the work.