Hannah Boyle, 19, from Welling.

Why this design?

I got a Lego man dressed like my grandfather tattooed.

I chose the design as it reminds me when I was a child, he would go to the pub and I would build him Lego creations and leave them for him on the fireplace. He always loved them.

How much did it cost?


Did it hurt?

I would say on the pain scale, it was six out of 10 , but it was worth every second.

What did your friends say?

They love it. They think it is amazing, and I have to agree.

Have you got any more?

Yes, I have tattoos on my neck, shoulder , back, bum, stomach and leg. I also have an animated girl on my arm for my daughter.

Hannah’s tattoo was done by La Vale at Demon Inkorporation in Bellegrove Road, Welling.