AN ORPINGTON and Beckenham breast cancer expert has praised Angelina Jolie’s decision to speak publicly about her double mastectomy, and has some advice for the women of Bromley.

Mr Anil Desai works at BMI Chelsfield Park, Orpington, and BMI The Sloane Hospital, Beckenham.

In the UK around one in 400 women carry the gene mutation BRCA1 or BRCA2 - Ms Jolie underwent surgery after testing positive for BRCA1.

Both gene mutations significantly increases the risk of breast or ovarian cancer.

Ms Jolie had the test because her mother died aged 56 from ovarian cancer, and decided to have a double mastectomy after the test revealed she had an 87% lifetime risk of developing the disease.

Mr Desai said: "I praise Ms Jolie for her bravery in bringing this issue to the fore, but I would encourage women in Bromley to understand that the majority of women who develop breast cancer, or who have a relative with breast cancer, do not have a BRCA mutation, and will not need to consider having a preventative double mastectomy.

"Even if you do have a positive result, surgery is not the only option available. Increased surveillance with regular diagnostic tests can be an alternative option.

"But, it is important not to panic, less than 10% of all patients diagnosed with breast cancer have a family history of the disease.

"If you are worried about an increased risk, due to a family history, you should visit for GP for advice."