BEXLEY Council is locked in a row with a Labour MP over plans to regulate parking just inside the Greenwich border.

Clive Efford has reacted angrily after the council objected to proposals for a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) stretching from Avery Hill to Eltham Heights and around Crown Woods School.

Discussions between Bexley and Greenwich have been rumbling on for three years over the plans and Mr Efford is unhappy the latest suggestion has been given the thumbs down by Bexley Council.

The Eltham MP says the new proposals leave much of the Avery Hill estate outside of the CPZ when he feels restrictions are needed to curb parking by Avery Hill campus students and for commuters parking near Falconwood station.

He said: "I am worried the Avery Hill Estate will become even more congested under this scheme.

"Once again Bexley Council has scuppered our attempts to solve this problem by lodging yet another objection.

"Meanwhile local residents are expected to carry on living in a car park as Bexley veto any attempt to help them."

Mr Efford added he was "delighted" to hear Greenwich Council has referred the matter to Mayor Boris Johnson "so that my residents can have their streets back."

News Shopper: Parking.

Parked cars in Avery Hill Road where parking is not currently restricted.

But Bexley Council say no such referral has been made and 

Cabinet member for the environment and public realm Councillor Gareth Bacon, said: "Bexley has consistently expressed concerns that vehicles displaced by restrictions on roads in Greenwich would be parked in roads in Bexley to the detriment of Bexley residents.

"The scheme Greenwich finally advertised was in fact larger than the one they had recently been consulting on with us and would certainly shift the burden of parked vehicles from Greenwich roads to Bexley roads.

"My job is to look after the residents of Bexley.

"Given that the majority of the services being accessed by the owners of these vehicles are based in Greenwich, I fail to see why the residents of Bexley should have to suffer and will certainly not compromise just to please Clive Efford."

A CPZ refers to any area where parking is controlled by a local authority.