A WOMAN from Northfleet whose mother died of a heroin overdose when she was a little girl is desperately searching for her estranged father who ran away 20 years ago.

Hayleigh Lewington was just four-years-old when her mother Vicky died in May 1994 at the age of 22.

She was brought up by her grandparents in Eltham following the tragedy and never knew her father.

The finance officer, who turns 24 on Wednesday, only found out his name after discovering a solicitors letter pleaing to see her and has reached breaking point.

She told News Shopper: "I’ve gone through phases of looking and stopping, on and off. Now it’s too much.

"A couple of weeks ago I messaged every Stephen or Steve Coe on Friends Reunited, Genes Reunited, Facebook - I had nothing. I’ve already rang every Stephen Coe in the phone book."

Miss Lewington, who now lives in Shepherd Street, Northfleet, found the letter addressed from her father Stephen Coe at her house three years ago.

She said: "That’s all I’ve got.

"I’ve never known him, as far as I’m aware I’ve never met him.

She hopes he could be in south-east London area.

"He could be anywhere but he and my mum frequented Woolwich and Thamesmead."

Anyone with information which could lead to tracking down Stephen Coe should e-mail Miss Lewington on hlewington89@hotmail.co.uk.