BINMEN are set to vote over whether to strike after rejecting a below inflation pay rise offer.

Unite the union has issued formal notice of a strike ballot to Veolia Environmental Services, which carries out household waste collections on behalf of Bromley Council.

The union aims to begin balloting its members from May 31.

Veolia has offered its workers a two per cent increase.

But the union has turned this down in Bromley and in Croydon.

And with pay talks set to begin in Camden the members in north London could also be balloted for strike action.

News Shopper: Onay Kasab says a dispute is even more likely after the latest suspensionUnite regional officer Onay Kasab (pictured) said: “We hope by the time talks begin at Camden the company will have seen sense and are prepared to make an offer that starts to deal with the very real financial pressures that our members are having to cope with.

“However, if a fair offer is not made we will have no hesitation in recommending to our members that they join with colleagues in Bromley and Croydon and that they too are balloted for strike action.

"Veolia UK has a profit turnover of £121m.

“It is the case that 40 top managers on Camden Council earn in excess of £100,000 a year.

“Camden Council has the highest number of people earning that figure in the country.

“So don’t let anybody tell us the money is not there - but we do not demand council taxpayers pick up the bill.

“It’s our members who create the £121m profits for Veolia.

“It’s about time our members got a fair share."

"In Bromley, the implementation date for any new pay arrangements was November last year - we have been very patient, but enough is enough."

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