TWO Greenwich killers have been convicted of murdering Plumstead former gangster Dave Courtney's stepson.

Drug dealer Genson Courtney, 23, was blasted once in the head with a handgun at point-blank range as he left his girlfriend's home in Banning Street, Greenwich, on July 3, 2011.

The Old Bailey had heard that mobile phone records showed the victim's uncle David Pinto, aged 33, of Tyler Street, Greenwich, and 45-year-old accomplice Robert Bleach, of Halstow Road, Greenwich, were both in the area at the time of the killing.

In the weeks before his death Genson Courtney had been settling scores with members of his family and had been arguing with Pinto over money he claimed to be owed.

Both men had denied the murder but were found guilty by a jury today (May 17) following a three-week trial.

They will be sentenced on May 23.