A PUPPY appeal has been issued for canine lovers in Bromley.

Volunteers are needed to help care and educate the animals from seven weeks until they are around 12 or 14 months old.

They are then returned to The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association where the pups begin specialised guide dog training to help people with visual impairments.

Puppy training supervisor Martin Manser said: "We’re looking for enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers who can care for the pups full time.

"Our puppy walkers play an essential role - without them, we don’t have guide dogs.

"It is challenging and it’s a real commitment to take a puppy into your home for a year, but with the support of Guide Dogs’ staff, our volunteers find it extremely rewarding and worthwhile."

The organisation also supplies basic equipment and covers all veterinary and feeding expenses so volunteers will not be out of pocket.

For more information, call 08453 717771 or email volunteer@guidedogs.org.uk