A CHISLEHURST octogenarian has published his latest book about a prisoner of war doctor from Penge.

Graham Matthews, 81, has written Colne Spring & Heneky’s and based it on a real-life hero Dr John Readman and his imprisonment during World War Two.

Dr Readman opened a surgery in Howard Road, Penge, in 1928 and he volunteered for the army 12 years later however he was taken prisoner in Crete soon after disembarking.

He spent the next four years helping the sick in prison camps including Colditz in Germany.

Mr Matthews, of Lower Camden, Chislehurst, first learned of the doctor’s life by talking to Readman’s his daughter Susan Ruffle.

The result is a novel based on fact and includes letters sent during the war between Dr Readman and his wife. 

The previous Eltham College student said:  “This man had such a fascinating life and it was great to hear how he and his wife were reunited at the end of the war despite having been separated for so many years.

“I’ve been friends with Susan for a long time but it was only a few years ago I learned about her father.

“She was really helpful in painting a picture of her father Dr Readman. 

“However I have fictionalised it to a certain extent and call him Dr Steadman instead.

“The Bookshop on the Heath in Tranquil Vale, Blackheath, has stocked it and they even put on a special window display for it last week.”

The author of previous autobiographical books You’re the doctor – you decide and A Stone’s Throw from Chancery Lane was actually advised not to pursue university when he was younger.

He said: “I was told academia might not be for me so I went into engineering at Lewisham College but then I got a BA from the Open University thirty years later.

“I also have a pilot’s licence although I think my flying days are behind me.”

Mr Matthews will not be putting his feet up though – he now has four children, 12 grandchildren and three great-children.

For more information or to purchase a copy, email graham_matthews@ntlworld.com