HUNDREDS of people have voted in a poll about the possibility of a new Thames crossing in Thurrock which will reduce congestion at the Dartford Crossing.

As the government’s consultation on a new Thames crossing in Thurrock approaches, Thurrock Council leader Councillor John Kent says more than 800 people have voted in the poll - with the vast majority voting for “none of the above.”

Thurrock Council asked people to vote online through its own website, or on paper forms giving the three options the government is thought to be suggesting, A, B, and C, as well as a fourth option, D – none of the above.

Cllr Kent said: “There’s one overwhelming conclusion: we don’t want another crossing here.

“I want to thank each and every one of them for sharing their opinion.”

The national consultation is expected to be launched this month and the council believes there will be three options.

One (A) close to the current crossing between Purfleet and Dartford, another (B) across the river through Grays Beach and close to the docks and Thurrock Park to the Dock Approach Road or (C) further to the east between Tilbury and Coalhouse Forts then north through the green belt, and Orsett.

The council added the fourth option (D) for people that didn’t want any of the new crossings.

Mr Kent explained: “More than 610 people voted online and 407 of them – 66.4 per cent – voted none of the above, and of the 205 people who cut out and filled in a form before sending it in to us, 169, or 82.4 per cent, wanted option D.”

“The aim of the exercise was two-fold; to confirm what the council believed local people thought, and it’s done that, and secondly, but more importantly, to raise awareness of the government’s intention to consult.”

Mr Kent added: “River crossings have been in the news this week, with the focus on possible new bridge links between south and north east London. Perhaps that needs to be sorted out properly before a new strategic crossing is discussed.

“Unfortunately I don’t think the government will change its plans and there will be some form of consultation about a crossing in Thurrock and it will start soon. I urge everyone who took part in our little exercise over the last couple of months to tell the government what they think.”

The Department of Transport is expected to set up exhibitions across Thurrock to showcase the different options for a new crossing.

To find out more, or vote in the poll, go to


Paper ballot:

A 7

B 24

C 5

D 169

Online ballot:

A 79

B 16

C 111

D 407