A BOWLS club in Orpington is forecasting ‘wall to wall sunshine’ this summer and a great time at its open days.

Orpington Bowls Club says it had a successful season last year and is hoping 2013 will be even better with the addition of some new players.

It is opening its doors at the club in Goddington Park, Goddington Lane, Orpington, on Saturday (May 18) and June 2 for people to try the sport.

Anyone interested should come along to the playing green between 10am and 6pm on either day, wearing something comfortable together with trainers and the club will provide the rest.

An OBC spokesman said: "Go on give it a go, you have nothing to lose and this summer will be wall to wall sunshine."

Call Stuart Smith on 01689 835005 for more details or if you cannot make the above dates.