LEADING Bexley Council figures have demonstrated their support for members of the armed forces by signing the borough’s first Armed Forces Community Covenant.

The Covenant, which was formally signed at the civic offices in Bexleyheath, is a statement of support between the Bexley community and the local armed forces community.

It aims to encourage the community to make it easier for service personnel, their families and veterans to access help and support.

Council leader Councillor Teresa O’Neill said: "We’re proud of our links with the armed forces and of the many local residents who have served in them to protect our safety and security.

“Signing the Covenant acknowledges the debt that we owe them and serves to reaffirm our commitment to our servicemen and women, their families and veterans.”

The decision to sign the Covenant won the unanimous backing of councillors at a full council meeting last November.

On behalf of the armed forces, Colonel Michael Kelly added: "This is a wonderful day for us and I thank Bexley Council for its commitment in helping service personnel integrate back into their community.

“We're not asking for special treatment, we're just seeking to highlight some of the issues faced by people who have served their country, and asking for help and recognition from their community."

A Bexley Council spokeswoman also said an announcement was imminent regarding changes to its housing policy, which will see a proposal to give priority housing to those who have served in the armed forces.