A DARENTH pensioner who failed to dispose of dead horse remains after being ordered to by Kent County Council (KCC) has narrowly avoided going to prison.

Tom Bonner, 74, of Oak Farm, denied a charge of failing to comply with an animal by-product requirement but was found guilty at Dartford Magistrates Court on May 1.

KCC trading standards officers issued Bonner with a legal notice requiring him to dispose of horse carcasses and bones found on land in Darenth in September 2011.

A lengthy investigation had previously proven he was responsible for them but he failed to take any action to remove them.

Magistrates handed Bonner a 60 day prison sentence, suspended for 12 months, and ordered him to pay council costs of £4,000.

Trading standards manager at KCC Richard Strawson said: "We were disappointed that Mr Bonner repeatedly denied having any responsibility for the appropriate disposal of these animal carcasses.

“We take legal action as a last resort but in this case we were left no option than to instigate proceedings."