A GUN-TOTING Albanian man killed a businessman after storming into his Barnehurst home and tying him and his wife up, a court heard this morning.

Gezim Delijah, of Waltham Forest, is accused of breaking into a bungalow in Edendale Road on January 25 last year and killing 64-year-old Edward Syrad, who suffered with heart disease and poor eyesight.

The 41-year-old is charged with manslaughter, robbery and possessing an imitation firearm with intent. He went on trial at the Old Bailey this morning and denies the charges.

The jury heard it is alleged Delijah and another man, who has never been caught, broke into the family home of Edward and Anne Syrad at about 10pm wearing balaclavas.

Prosecutor David Jeremy QC told the court: "'Mrs Syrad had gone to bed and was watching Big Brother and believe Mr Syrad remained up.

"He liked a glass of wine and a cigarette and would sometimes leave the back doors open.

"Mrs Syrad first realised something was wrong when a man wearing a balaclava with slits in the eyes and mouth walked into her bedroom.

"At first she thought it was Ted messing around but it wasn't. He put her hands to her face so she couldn't scream and pushed her to the floor."

It is alleged the second man, who Mrs Syrad described as having an eastern European accident and the prosecution claim is Delijah, came into the room and taped her legs, arms and face, while the first man ransacked the drawers.

Mr Jeremy told the court the man thought to be Delijah demanded the keys to their safe before returning "two or three times" to the bedroom to find them.

He added: "He pulled out what might have been a gun - it looked like a gun - and pushed it against her eyes and said he would kill her if she didn't tell where the keys were."

The prosecutor said Mrs Syrad told the man she thought they might be on the cabinet before he left the room.

She then heard a loud bang and thought her husband had been shot but it turned out to be the safe opening.

One of the men returned to demand she stay in the room for a few minutes before they fled.

Mr Jeremy continued: "The men tied Mr and Mrs Syrad using extra adhesive tape, threatened them with a gun, whether real or imitation it can't be said, and they stole money from them, as much as they could get their hands on.

"Mrs Syrad waited to make absolutely certain they'd gone and went downstairs to find her husband lying next to the fridge in the small utility room appearing lifeless.

"In the course of  robbing this couple, these two men beat Mr Syrad, causing him to suffer heart failure and die."

Mrs Syrad called 999 but paramedics were unable to revive Mr Syrad and he was pronounced dead at 10.35pm.

The post-mortem examination ruled he died of heart failure brought on by coronary heart disease which he suffered from.

He had a number of injuries to his back, right arm, legs and face.

It is alleged that Delijah's finger prints were found on the tape used to bind Mr Syrad.

The trial is expected to last two weeks.

Trial continues.