A BELVEDERE park is the venue for one of 12 new cycling trails across south east London.

Franks Park hosts one of the new routes exploring the Green Chain: a connected mosaic of 300 parks and open spaces spreading from the Thames riverside up over Shooters Hill and across to Dulwich Park.

The new trails vary from one to seven miles and have been designed for beginners.

Each route provides tips about where to lock your bike and have a cup of tea along the way and bike hire is also available.

Councillor Gareth Bacon, Bexley cabinet member for the environment and public realm, said: "The Olympics gave lots of people the cycling bug and getting around on two wheels really is a perfect way to explore this part of London.

"These new trails really are a great introduction to cycling for those who are less confident too.

"We are blessed in this borough with our parks and open spaces and these circular routes provide the perfect opportunity for getting out and exploring them and you’ll also be doing your bit for the environment."