A BROCKLEY teen arrested on his 18th birthday after a loaded shot gun was found under his bed has been locked up for 10 months.

Rakeem Mortley, of St Norbert Road, was sentenced to 10 months in a young offenders’ institute for possessing a firearm at Woolwich Crown Court on May 8.

A tear gas canister was found in the birthday boy’s coat pocket as well as the gun during a search by officers from Lewisham’s Operation Trilogy Unit on November 21 last year.

Detective Constable Will Lewis, of Lewisham’s Operation Trilogy Unit said: "The recovery of the loaded firearm, arrest and investigation into Rakeem Mortley’s activities was a result of our continued efforts to target violent gang members in Lewisham.

"We are determined to deal robustly with those individuals involved in gangs and pursue any legal avenue open to us to prevent their criminality and disrupt their behaviour."

He added: "While doing this we equally recognise there are those that seek a way out and there are people we can put them in touch with to help turn their lives around."

Mortley pleaded guilty to possession of a firearm and the CS gas canister at an earlier hearing.